
Rafel and the Happy Initiative team embarked on a journey to Ukraine, despite the frightening challenges the nation was facing. Their mission: to provide provisions to over 400 struggling families by delivering nourishing meals. Witnessing Ukraine’s turmoil firsthand, navigating through disrupted infrastructures and emotional hardships, only deepened our determination.

Our work did not stop there. The team organized two events, one in Malta and the other in London, dedicated solely to supporting Ukraine. Our Malta event consisted of a food filled night at Chophouse in collaboration with Chophouse, Briju and Noni. All proceeds of the evening went towards the ‘Help Ukrainian People’s food relief programme’. Help Ukrainian People have been sourcing and purchasing low stock items such as basic food and medicines for those in need. A total of €6,200 was raised during the night.Top of Form


That’s not all, the team also ensured that 1,000 pairs of underwear, 1,000 pairs of socks, 10 flashlights, 3 computers, 300 winter jackets and 300 pairs of shoes were delivered to a mental institution in Ukraine. The people of this institution had faced a horrible few months, being left without proper lighting and heating.